In January 2024, Mancala Consultores took a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering sustainable development in the Republic of Serbia. As part of our Technical Assistance program (financed by the AFD, in collaboration with the World Bank, we proudly hosted a study tour in Paris for a distinguished delegation of Serbian government officials from the inter-ministerial working group.
The purpose of the tour was to delve into France’s expertise in green budgeting, providing an invaluable model for the Serbian authorities. The goal was to present the inter-ministerial working group with comprehensive insights into Green Budget Tagging (GBT), covering objectives, methodology design options, relevant frameworks and taxonomies, as well as international best practices for seamless integration into national budgets. The tour also explored recommendations for ensuring robustness and quality in the implementation of green financial initiatives.
Our delegation had the privilege of engaging with key institutions in the French Green budgeting landscape, including visits to the Institute for Climate Economics, Cour de Comptes, The Ministry of Ecological Transition, the National Assembly, the OECD, and the Ministry of Finance, notably the Direction Générale du Trésor, l´Agence des Participations de l´État, and le Direction du Budget.