Technical assistance to strengthen the Budget for Results for the provision of social services in Peru
Country: Peru
Funder: European Union
Years: 2019 – 2020
Areas of Expertise: Public Management – Public Finance Management
In 2008, Peru began implementing performance budgeting in its public finance management through four specific instruments: budget programmes; monitoring of performance indicators; independent evaluations; and an incentive scheme that seeks to link allocated resources to specific improvements in public management. In 2018, the Government of Peru reformed the General Law of the National Public Budget System, including the Budget for Results.
The overall objective of this project was to support the General Directorate of Public Budget of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to strengthen the Results-Based Budgeting strategy and the performance-oriented allocation of public resources, in the terms and scope established by Legislative Decree 1440 of the National Public Budget System to achieve the expected results in the provision of social services to the population.