Municipal financial management to improve the provision of basic public services
Country: Ecuador
Funder: European Union, through Integration GmbH
Years: 2016
Areas of Expertise: Climate change and natural resources – Public Finance Management – Monitoring and Evaluation
The monitoring of the project “Municipal financial management for the improvement of the provision of basic public services”, which was carried out for the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME). In the course of the project a specific software with five modules was developed and implemented:
- Self-assessment of the municipal financial situation.
- Costing of services and tariffs – of municipal public services.
- Sensitivity analysis – scenarios for decision making.
- Financial projections – revenues and expenditures.
- SMA Statistics.
The monitoring was carried out using the European Commission’s methodology “Results Based Monitoring”. This focuses on assessing the results of the programmes through reports that provide an overview of the operations implemented and the progress made. Programmes are monitored according to the criteria of: Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability.