Monitoring project "Technical Assistance to Prioritized Areas of the Ukrainian Financial Sector"

Country: Ukraine
Funder: European Union, through Particip Gmbh
Years: 2017
Areas of Expertise:
Monitoring and Evaluation – Public Finance Management

Monitoring of the project “Technical Assistance to the prioritised areas of the Ukrainian financial sector” for the European Commission, where the seven components being implemented were evaluated. The main beneficiaries of the project were the Ministry of Finance and three financial sector regulators: the National Bank of Ukraine, the State Regulatory Commission for Financial Services and Markets and the National Securities and Exchange Commission. The project aimed to provide support to the Ministry of Finance and other regulators in improving the legal, institutional and human requirements for bringing the financial system up to international and European standards.

The project was monitored using the European Commission’s “Results Based Monitoring” methodology. The methodology focuses on assessing the results of the programmes through reports that provide an overview of the operations implemented and the progress made. Programmes are monitored against the criteria of Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact, and Sustainability.

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