Mid-Term Evaluation Mission of the REM Vision Amazonia Colombia Program

Country: Colombia
Funder: KfW Development Bank
Years: 2020
Areas of Expertise:
Monitoring and Evaluation – Climate change and natural resources – Finance for Development

The evaluated program supports the efforts developed by the Colombian government in the sustainable management of its tropical forests. It is part of the “Joint Declaration of Intent” (DCI) signed between the governments of Colombia, Great Britain, Norway and Germany to cooperate in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions derived from deforestation and forest degradation ( REDD+) and promote sustainable development in Colombia.

The general objective of the mid-term evaluation is to assess the progress made in achieving the mid-term objectives and results, highlight the lessons learned in view of the new and innovative approach of the REM Program (REDD + Early Movers) Colombia, and provide recommendations on how to improve the action in the remaining time in order to meet the objectives and expected results.

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