Formulation of a European Union budget support program for the education sector in Paraguay
Country: Paraguay
Fuunder: European Union, through GFA
Years: 2015 – 2016
Areas of Expertise: Budget support and other aid modalities – Public Finance Management – Public Management
The objective of the formulation mission is to design an EU budget support program for the education sector in Paraguay. The specific objective of the formulation mission consisted of formulating the previously identified intervention, in accordance with the provisions of the multi-annual indicative program with Paraguay 2014-2020, including support to the Delegation of the European Union in Asunción in the completion of the program documents. It was supported by the completion of a draft of the Action Sheet and its four corresponding technical annexes in application of the Methodological Guide on the budget support of the European Union. Likewise, support was provided to the Delegation and the Ministry of Education in Paraguay with the definition of possible areas of technical assistance to the education sector in Paraguay.