Technical assistance for the project to support new economic actors for an innovative and sustainable economic diversification in Cuba
Study on lessons learnt from Budget Support in view of the imminent use of financing not linked to cost (FNLC) in NEAR external action
Capitalisation on a Development Policy Loan and feasibility of a subsequent program in support to gender responsive public financial management in Jordan
Recommendations on options for a conceptual and functional design for the integration of economic flows and stocks positions in the National Financial Management Information System for accounting, government finance statistics and national accounts purposes
Fiduciary risk assessment in the department of Valle del Cauca
Systemic analysis of nutrition in Peru aimed at reducing malnutrition and addressing the increase in hunger
Feasibility Study for a Program Budget Loan (PrBL) for Climate Resilience in Khyber Pakhtunkhw
Strategic Evaluation of the EU Partnership with Mozambique (2014 - 2023)
Evaluation and Prospective Assessment Study of the Technical and Financial Assistance Project to the General Directorate of Taxes (PATF/DGI) of Burkina Faso
Evaluation UNICEF´s Country Program Panama 2021-2025
Support to the appraisal of a Development Policy Loan on public sector modernization in Jordan, and to Reform key stakeholders
Evaluation of ADELANTE (final / ex-post phase 1 and interim second phase)
Support Services to the Honduran public authorities for the design and development of the National Climate Empowerment Strategy
Mid-term Evaluation of the UK Sustainable Infrastructure Programme (UKSIP)
Technical assistance to green public finance and investment management for the Republic of Serbia
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming in Mali under the LoCAL Programme
Techinical Assitance to the education and labour sector of the Republic of Tajikistan
Evaluation of SECO’s Public Finance Management Program at Subnational Level – Phase 2 in Peru (Peru SNL)
Strategic evaluation of the EU Budget Support in Albania 2014-2020
Consulting services for the reduction of climate change in Burkina Faso
Final evaluation of the Second Budgetary Support Program for the Education Sector in the Dominican Republic - PAPSE II
Support for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Colombia
Technical assistance to strengthen the Budget for Results for the provision of social services in Peru
Consulting for the development of methodologies for the measurement of risks linked to public-private associations and design of strategies to improve the reporting of the aforementioned risks/contingencies in five countries of the region
Strategic evaluation of Budget Support in El Salvador 2009-2017
Good financial governance for a green and inclusive economic recovery green and inclusive economic recovery in the Central American countries (SICA)
Independent Evaluation of Colombia - GGGI Green Growth Program 2017 - 2019
Support to the Office of the Development Promotion Fund in the systematization of the different modalities and the lessons learned by other donors in credit operations to support the reforms of public policies in the countries
Technical assistance for the Construction and Resilience of the State in Haiti (SBC II)
Feasibility Study of the Budget Support Program at the Subnational Level (Phase 1) in Peru
Regional Development of Tourism Clusters in Panama
Development of the baseline, refinement of indicators and intermediate indicators of the EU support project in the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes in Bolivia
Technical assistance for carrying out a mapping of actors and good practices in Public Finance Management in the European Union and an analysis and guidelines document for the integration of the social cohesion approach in the Budget Support programs of the European Union
Identification Mission of the Food and Nutrition Security Program MIP European Union 2014-2020 in Guatemala
Formulation of a European Union budget support program for the education sector in Paraguay
Support Program for Inclusive Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa (APIA)
Support mission for the completion of the accelerated growth and sustainable development strategy (SCAD2D -2015 -2019) and the development of its priority action plan (PAP) of the Union of the Comoros
Consultancy to evaluate the application of the Annual Balance of Public Management, as an instrument of the Budget for Results
Monitoring project "Technical assistance to support the reforms of the Public Financial Management of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan"
Technical Assistance to the Fiscal Policy of El Salvador
PEFA ++ Assessment Paraguay 2022
Evaluation of Budget Support Operations in Jamaica
Mid-term external evaluation of the thematic fund of the Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) Phase II
Definition of a roadmap for the Public Accounting Entity (ECP), the public accounting reforms and the measurement of the quality of the information generated by the new Budget Classification Catalog (CCP) in Colombia
Evaluation of the Sectoral Budget Support program for the Public Administration Reform of Montenegro
Program to support the reform of public administration and finances and the mobilization of internal resources in the Dominican Republic
Design of the financial and operational mechanism to access climate financing and design of the Climate Change Economic and Financial Management Unit (UGEFCC) of the Ministry of Finance
Strengthening Municipal Income Sources in El Salvador
Study on options and recommendations for a global and sustainable public good
Preparation of the Budget Program for the management of public finances in Benin
Support to the MINFIN for the review of the criteria for Macroeconomic eligibility, Public Finance Management and Transparency and the Fight against Corruption, for the Budgetary Support of the European Union
Monitoring project "Technical Assistance to Prioritized Areas of the Ukrainian Financial Sector"
External Evaluation of the Central American Institute of Fiscal Studies -ICEFI- (2011-2014)
Review of MECI and 360 Degrees evaluation methodologies and appointment of heads of internal control to strengthen the Internal Control System in public entities in Colombia
Municipal financial management to improve the provision of basic public services
Strengthening of the public finances of Provincial Governments, with the focus of Management for Results and citizen participation
Towards an Inclusive and Participatory Fiscal Pact
Project to Strengthen Public Finance Management in Colombia
Strengthening of the Fiscal Institutions of the Municipality of Guatemala
Institutional Strengthening Program for the Development of the Medium-Term Budget Framework Tool in Central America and the Dominican Republic
ROM Monitoring - Public Finance Administration Reform Program
Analysis and technical advice on programmatic aid, through methodological development and the integration of international good practices
Climate risk and vulnerability assessment for subnational adaptation in Uganda - Country report
Mid-Term Evaluation Mission of the REM Vision Amazonia Colombia Program
Evaluation of AFD budget loans to support the Special Climate Change Program (PECC)
Technical Assistance for the preparation of a methodological proposal for the implementation of the mainstreaming of the gender approach in the mitigation and adaptation measures prioritized by the Republic of Peru, within the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ Program
Technical service for the preparation of identification, formulation and memorandum of understanding documents for the provision of budget support with sectoral monitoring to Cape Verde within the framework of the Budget Support Group (GAO)
Mid-term evaluation of UNCDF support to the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)
European Union Framework Contract Lot 5, focused on Public Finance Management and Budgetary Support
Consulting for the development of a Training Plan on PPP projects for Municipal Urban Infrastructure in Costa Rica
Retrospective evaluation of AFD budgetary loans to support the public policy of biodiversity conservation: BIOMEX and BIOCONNECT
Mid-term evaluation of the Budget Support Program
Long-term assistance mission for the cross-testing of the budget support program for the digital development strategy of the territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands
Consultancy for the review and development of the Monitoring and Evaluation framework applicable to the Development Policy Operations Programs (OPD) and the Emergency Support and Preparedness Program for COVID-19 and Economic Reactivation of CABEI
ROM Monitoring of "Technified Irrigation for Small and Medium Producers of Ecuador"
ROM monitoring of "Program to combat climate change in agriculture"