National Climate Empowerment Strategy in Honduras

Mancala Consultores has been entrusted with the task of providing support to the public authorities of Honduras for the design and development of the National Climate Empowerment Strategy within the framework of the EUROCLIMA program, funded by the European Union and implemented by FIIAPP.

The National Climate Empowerment Strategy is carried out in compliance with Article 12 of the Paris Agreement: “Parties shall cooperate in taking measures to enhance education, training, public awareness, and participation and public access to information on climate change.” Technical assistance is proposed as accompaniment to the multisectoral and multi-actor participatory process aimed at defining strategic guidelines and pilot actions on climate empowerment.

Over the coming months, the Mancala team will be working closely with the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras, and its National Directorate of Climate Change, to facilitate this process of reflection and collective dialogue for climate empowerment.




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