Areas of Expertise

Public Management

Our work is knowledge-based, adapting international theory and best practices to the contexts in which we work. We support administrations to become more inclusive, efficient and effective, and to generate results that improve institutional functioning and people’s quality of life. 

We advise on the formulation of public administration reform programmes, the design of planning and monitoring frameworks for policies, programmes and projects, the adoption of the results-based management approach, the preparation of national and sectoral planning documents, and the management of institutional change.

Public Financial Management

We provide advice throughout the budget cycle and during the different phases of Public Financial Management (PFM) reform. 

We perform diagnostic analyses, especially under the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) methodology and contribute to the preparation of strategies to improve the financial management of public administrations. We support entities in the adoption of methodologies, tools, and management frameworks (Medium Term Fiscal Framework, Sectoral Expenditure Framework and similar). We also monitor and evaluate the execution of public budgets – both at central/national and sub-national levels.

Climate Change and Natural Resources

We support governments, international organizations, and development actors in meeting their commitments to protecting ecosystems and mitigating and adapting to the consequences of climate change. 

We provide advice on the assessment and solutions to these challenges, especially from a policy and financial perspective. We conduct evaluations linked to forest management, water management, biodiversity, conversation, and climate change.

Budget Support and other aid modalities

We advise on the identification and formulation of budget support programmes, and public policy loans. 

We advise on eligibility analysis in its macroeconomic, public financial management, sectoral policy, and transparency dimensions. We accompany donors and partner countries during programme implementation and evaluation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are a key element in the donor-funded policy and programme cycle, as it promotes learning, fosters continuous improvement and accountability, thereby improving the decision-making process, and ultimately acting as a catalyst for change. 

We provide monitoring and evaluation services, including the application of specific results-oriented monitoring methodologies, project evaluation of budget support programmes and strategic evaluations, such as country evaluations, evaluations of cooperation instruments and modalities, multi-year interventions or multi-donor partnerships.

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